Justin Treon (2013) was recently ordained a transitional deacon by Bishop Mark Bartchak.  Deacon Treon, a parishioner at Saint Aloysius in Cresson and graduate of not only Bishop Carroll but also Saint Michael School, is assigned to diaconal service this summer at Saint John Gualbert Cathedral and Saint Patrick Parishes in Johnstown. He will resume his priestly studies and formation at Saint Vincent Seminary in Latrobe in the fall and continue his assignment at the Johnstown parishes throughout the academic year. God willing, Deacon Treon will be ordained a priest next spring. Deacon Treon’s older brother, Adam (2005), is also a graduate of Bishop Carroll Catholic High School.


Brother Lawrence (Caleb) Hogue (2014) is studying for the priesthood at Sacred Heart Seminary in Detroit, Michigan.  Brother Lawrence is a member of the Franciscan Friars of the Holy Spirit based out of Phoenix, Arizona.  He professed his promises of poverty, chastity, and obedience to the retiring Bishop of Phoenix, Thomas Olmsted.  Brother Lawrence is scheduled to be ordained a priest in 2026.  Brother Lawrence’s parents, Steve and Monica (Long) Hogue (1985), and brothers, Mitchell (2016), Trevor (2019), and Joel (2021) are all graduates of Bishop Carroll Catholic High School.


We wish Deacon Treon and Brother Lawrence well on their path to priesthood.  Our prayers are with them!