An easy way to pay it forward If being a loyal and consistent supporter of Bishop Carroll is important to you, you’ll be glad to know it just got a little easier.
Rifle Team Fundraiser Please see the forms attached for information on the Rifle Team Sporting Clays Fundraiser on August 3.
Alumni Update Your Contact Info All alumni are asked to take the time to update their contact information!
New Principal To Join Bishop Carroll Administrative Team The Bishop Carroll Catholic High School Board of Trustees announces the hiring of Mrs. Brande Conway as the next principal of the school.
Bishop Carroll to Honor Ray Boley Bishop Carroll's beloved Ray Boley passed away in February. Read how the school will honor Ray and how you can make a contribution!
Bishop Carroll Seniors Collect for the Jared Box Project Each year, the Bishop Carroll Catholic High School Senior AP Politics Class is tasked with creating a project that benefits a community-based organization. This year, the class chose The Jared Box Project as the beneficiary, which has special ties to Bishop Carroll.
Thank you to our Gala sponsors! Please see the list of Gala sponsors below. Thank them and patronize their businesses!
Bishop Carroll Seniors Collect for Saint Jude's Bishop Carroll students yearly participate in fundraising activities for various causes. Read about this remarkable charitable donation towards Saint Jude's Children's Hospital!
2024 Online Auction Open! The 2024 Gala Online Auction is now open! Preview begins on Tuesday, April 23 at 9:00 PM, bidding begins on Wednesday, April 24 at 9:00 PM, and bidding closes on Saturday, April 27 at 10:00 PM!